Thursday, May 15, 2014

Novena for the Feast of Ascension Thursday

 As Holy Mother Church celebrates the feast of Ascension Thursday, this year on May 29, let us ponder our Lord's glory and power as we remember this feast, 40 days after Easter Sunday, when He ascended into heaven. The following novena prayer for the feast of the Ascension of Jesus begins on May 20 and continues for nine days, ending the day before Ascension Thursday.

Novena for the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus

Jesus, I honor You on the feast of Your Ascension into heaven. I rejoice with all my heart at the glory into which You entered to reign as King of heaven and earth. When the struggle of this life is over, give me the grace to share Your joy and triumph in heaven for all eternity. I believe that You entered into Your glorious Kingdom to prepare a place for me, for You promised to come again to take me to Yourself. Grant that I may seek only the joys of Your friendship and love, so that I may deserve to be united with You in heaven. In the hour of my own homecoming, when I appear before Your Father to give an account of my life on earth, have mercy on me. Jesus, in Your love for me, You have brought me from evil to good and from misery to happiness. Give me the grace to rise above my human weakness. May Your humanity give me courage in my weakness and free me from my sins. Through Your grace give me the courage of perseverance, for You have called and justified me by faith. May I hold fast to the life You have given me and come to the eternal gifts You promised. You love me, dear Jesus. Help me to love You in return. I ask You to grant this special favor, (Mention request). By Your unceasing care, guide my steps toward the life of glory You have prepared for those who love You. Make me grow in holiness and thank You by a life of faithful service.

Prayer of Praise to Jesus in Glory (pray as part of the novena)
I praise You, dearest Heart of Jesus, fountain of all goodness. I praise You, most kind Heart of Jesus, for the boundless graces that have flowed and shall continue to flow from You into the souls of the just. I praise You, most gentle Heart of Jesus, for the tender love with which You have so often refreshed devout hearts through divine consolations.

I praise You, most loving Heart of Jesus, for the fullness of Your grace, the splendor of Your virtues, the generosity of Your Heart, and the purity of Your love. I praise You, royal Heart of Jesus, for Your victory over death and sin, Your power over souls, and Your triumph over the living and the dead. I praise You, Heart so poor and yet so rich, for having despised all earthly riches and for having renounced all earthly honors.

I praise You, most obedient Heart of Jesus, that hungered after the fulfillment of the Divine Will and thirsted after the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. I praise You, most generous Heart of Jesus, that did not seek Its own glory; most patient Heart, that willingly bore the greatest insults; most unselfish Heart, that longed for and lovingly embraced the cross. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me to love You with my whole heart, and grant that, according to the little strength I have, I may imitate Your wonderful virtues. 

God, the Father, make us joyful in the Ascension of Your son, Jesus Christ. May we follow Him into the new creation, for His Ascension is our glory and our hope. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

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