As Thanksgiving Day approaches, let us remember to give thanks to God for all of the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Let us also especially remember to thank Him for the great gift of Himself in the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist.
An Act of Adoration and Thanksgiving
** 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be.
I adore Thee, Eternal Son, and I thank Thee for the infinite love which caused Thee to become incarnate for me, to be born in a stable, to be brought up in the carpenter’s shop, and to be willing to endure hunger, thirst, cold, fatigue, hardships, contempt, persecution, scourges, thorns, nails and death on the hard wood of the Cross. I thank Thee, in company with Thy whole Church, militant and triumphant, for the infinite love with which Thou didst institute the Blessed Sacrament to be the food of my soul. I adore Thee in all the consecrated Hosts throughout the whole world. I give Thee thanks also on behalf of those who know Thee not and who fail to thank Thee. Would that I could lay down my life to cause Thee to be known, loved, and honored by all men in this Sacrament of love, and to put an end to all the irreverences and sacrileges that are committed against Thee! I love Thee, my Jesus, and I desire to love Thee and receive Thee with all the love, purity, and affection of Thy most holy Mother, and with the perfect love of Thine own Sacred Heart. Ah, most loving Spouse of my soul, come to me in Thy Sacrament and bring forth in me all those fruits for the sake of which Thou comest to us, and grant that I may die rather than ever receive Thee unworthily.
** 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be.
I adore Thee, Eternal Spirit, and I give Thee thanks for the infinite love with which Thou hast wrought the ineffable mystery of the Incarnation, and for the infinite charity wherewith Thou didst form out of the most pure blood of the Blessed Virgin Mary the sacred Body of Jesus, which in this Sacrament is the food of my soul. I pray Thee to enlighten my mind and purify my heart and the hearts of all men, that they may come to know the great gift of Thy love, and may receive this Blessed Sacrament in all worthiness.
--The Raccolta
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