Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hymn Honoring our Lord

 The hymn “O Jesus Thou the Beauty Art,” which is attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux, is a beautiful devotion to recite in honor of the Holy Name of Jesus. As we speak or sing these words to Jesus, may our souls and hearts be filled with the Love that is Our Lord. Just as the angels bow low in adoration and awe before His most Sacred Name, may we always honor this sweet Word that heals the sick, raises the dead, and gives joy and hope to the world!

I love listening to Traditional Latin chant, and this hymn sounds beautiful in chant.  If you would like to listen to it, this link provides an amazing rendition.

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O Jesus Thou the Beauty Art

O Jesus, Thou the beauty art
Of Angel worlds above!
Thy name is music to the heart,
Enchanting it with love!

Celestial sweetness unalloyed!
Who eat The hunger still,
Who drink of Thee still feel a void
Which naught but Thou canst fill!

O my sweet Jesus! Hear the sighs
Which unto Thee I send!
To Thee my inmost spirit cries
My being's hope and end!

Stay with us, Lord, and with Thy light
Illume the soul's abyss;
Scatter the darkness of our night
And fill the world with bliss.

O Jesu! Spotless Virgin flower!
Our life and joy! To Thee
Be praise, beatitude and power,
Through all eternity! Amen.
Jesu Decus Angelicum

Jesu, decus angelicum,
in aure dulce canticum,
in ore mel mirificum,
in corde nectar caelicum.

Qui te gustant, esuriunt,
qui bibunt, adhuc sitiunt;
desiderare nesciunt,
nisi Iesum, quem diligunt.

O Iesu mi dulcissime,
spes suspirantis animae!
Te quaerunt piae lacrimae,
Te clamor mentis intimae.

Mane nobiscum, Domine,
et nos illustra lumine;
Pulsa mentis caligine,
Mundum reple dulcedine.

Iesu, flos Matris Virginis,
amor nostrae dulcedinis,
Tibi laus, honor nominis,
regnum beatitudinis. Amen.
--The Raccolta

Blessed be the Holy Name of Jesus without end!


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