Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary

 Holy Mother Church devotes the month of October to the Holy Rosary. In 1206 Mary appeared to St.

Dominic after he had been praying and doing severe penances because of his lack of success in fighting the Albigensian heresy. Mary praised him for his valiant battle against the heretics and then gave him the rosary as a mighty weapon, instructing him to spread its use.
While the rosary received its beginning hundreds of years ago, in modern times it remains a popular devotion. It is a prayer loved by countless saints and encouraged by the Church. The rosary is a powerful prayer to our Lady and is a devotion all of the faithful should try to incorporate into their daily lives. A simple practice to honor our Lady and her rosary is to recite a rosary, or even just one decade of the rosary, daily. During this month of the Holy Rosary let us strive to recite daily the holy Rosary, the prayer of our Lady, imploring her protection over Holy Mother Church.
Another prayer honoring this devotion of the rosary is the following prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary, whose feast day is October 7.

Prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary

O Queen of the most holy Rosary, in these times of brazen impiety, show again they power, with the signs which accompanied thy victories of old, and from the throne where thou art seated, dispensing pardon and grace, in pity watch over the Church of thy Son, His Vicar, and every order of the clergy and laity, suffering in grievous warfare. Hasten, O most powerful destroyer of heresy, hasten the hour of mercy seeing that the hour of judgment is daily challenged by enumerable offenses. Obtain for me, the lowest of men, kneeling suppliant in thy presence, the grace which may enable me to live a just life on earth, and reign with the just in Heaven, whilst with the faithful throughout the world, O Queen of the most holy Rosary, I salute thee and cry out: Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray for us! Amen.

God bless!

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