Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Prayers Requested and Our Lady of Fatima

 +  Please remember in your prayers Fr. Goodwin, FSSP, who suffered a major stroke today.  He is currently in the hospital in a coma.  Please pray for a speedy recovery for him, or, if it is God's will instead, his entrance into heaven.  May God reward you.  +

+               +               +               +               +
Tomorrow, October 13, is the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun in connection with the appearances of Our Lady of Fatima.  To honor Mary on this day, it would be most fitting to recite the Rosary and do acts of penance, as Our Lady requested at Fatima.  Another method through which to honor our Lady of Fatima is the recitation of the following prayer, "Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima."  In this beautiful prayer we pray for Mary's intentions, rather than our own, realizing that nothing we could ask could be as perfect as her requests.  We, her children, give her our hearts, trusting her to love and guide us as our Heavenly Mother.

The prayer is labeled a novena, so it would be most appropriate to pray it nine days prior to this anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, beginning on October 4, or nine days prior to Our Lady of Fatima's feast (which is on May 13).  It could also be prayed for nine days beginning with October 13, this anniversary of her appearance, and extended from there.  Such a beautiful prayer also seems like a wonderful prayer to recite throughout October, to provide our Heavenly Mother with greater devotion and love from us.  

Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Immaculate Heart of Mary, my Mother, I come to you this day as a little child in prayer.  I beg to make this offering of my heart as simple and childlike as I can.  The three little ones of Fatima have taught us what it is that  pleases your maternal heart.

I earnestly desire that all the people of the world be brought back to a humble knowledge and love of the Sacred Heart of your dear Son.  I pray, dear Mother of my God, that the indescribable beauty and the glow-white purity of your own Immaculate Heart may so captivate our souls that we will detest all sin and dedicate our lives to the honor and glory of the God Who created us.  As much as I feel the need of many things, I do not dare in this novena, Mother Mary, to ask one selfish petition for myself.  You revealed the secrets of your own sad heart at Fatima and begged for the restoration of the world to God.  What can I ask of greater good than to unite my heart to yours in this great yearning?  What can I add but the fervent prayer that all the world may listen to your pleading?

I give my heart to you, my heavenly Queen, and in utmost confidence I leave to you the choice of what is best for me in answer to my prayer of love and reparation.  Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, I give you my heart.  Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, I put my trust entirely in you.  

Immaculate Heart of the Mother of my God, we implore, through your powerful intercession the conversion of the hearts of men, complete victory over sin, and the return of peace which you have promised.  Amen.  

God bless!

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