Saturday, September 15, 2018

Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis

 While Holy Mother Church celebrates the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4, this great saint is also honored on September 17, the day on which the Church remembers the Stigmata of St. Francis.  Although St. Francis received the Wounds of Christ on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, September 14, the Church honors this awesome event on September 17 that it might have its own commemoration.  In the Little Flowers of St. Francis, one reads of St. Francis receiving the Stigmata,

"For upon his hands and feet began immediately to appear the figures of the nails, as he had seen them on the Body of Christ crucified, who had appeared to him in the likeness of a Seraph. And thus the hands and feet appeared pierced through the midst by the nails, the heads whereof were seen outside the flesh in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, and the points of the nails stood out at the back of the hands, and the feet in such wise that they appeared to be twisted and bent back upon themselves, and the portion thereof that was bent back upon themselves, and the portion thereof that was bent back or twisted stood out free from the flesh, so that one could put a finger through the same as through a ring; and the heads of the nails were round and black. In like manner, on the right side appeared the image of an unhealed wound, as if made by a lance, and still red and bleeding, from which drops of blood often flowed from the holy breast of St Francis, staining his tunic and his drawers... Now although these sacred wounds, which had been impressed upon him by Christ, gave great joy to his heart, yet they caused unspeakable pain to his body; so that, being constrained by necessity, he made choice of Brother Leo, for his great purity and simplicity, to whom he revealed the whole matter, suffering him to touch and dress his wounds on all days except during the time from Thursday evening till Saturday morning, for then he would not by any human remedy mitigate the pain of Christ’s Passion, which he bore in his body, because at that time our Saviour Jesus Christ was taken and crucified, died and was buried for us."

O Divi Amoris Victima
O victim dear of heavenly love,
impurpled by thy fivefold sign,
Saint Francis, father of the poor,
of Jesus' Cross a living shrine.

Thou, burning with the glowing flames
of love of God and love of man,
dost yearn for Christ to shed thy blood
and thrice dost try the seas to span.

Although denied thy heart's desire,
thou lettest not thine ardor wane;
but kindled still with love divine
to stir new fires thou strivest amain.

Still living in thine Orders three,
thou art found in many a savage clime;
and frozen hearts, warmed at thy flame,
grow fervent with thy fire sublime.

So shalt thou crush the powers of hell,
thy conquering arms our foes dismay;
when Holy Church doth seem to fail,
still is thy mighty strength her stay.

Come, help us, father, while we pray,
thy love within our hearts inspire,
thy boundless love, that spreads abroad
the glowing brightness of its fire.

Praise we the Father and the Son,
praise we the Holy Paraclete:
He grant us grace to emulate
Our father's spirit, as is meet. Amen.
O divi amoris victima
Quino cruenta vulnere,
Francisce qui vivam Crucis
Christi refers imaginem.

Tu caritatis fervidis
Flammis adustus, sanguinem
Christo daturus, barbara
Ter cogitasti litora.

Voti sed impos, non sinis
Languere flammas desides:
Et excitas caelestia,
Flagrans amore incendia.

In prole vivens efferas
Pervadis oras; algida
Gelu soluto, ut ferveant
Ardore sancto pectora.

Sic pertimendis lividum
Armis Avernum conteris;
Virtutis et firmum latus
Templo labanti subiicis.

Adsis, Pater, precantibus
Ignemque, late quo tua
Exarsit ingens caritas,
Accende nostris mentibus.

Sit laus Patri et Filio,
Sit inclyto Paraclito,
Qui nos Parentis optimi
Det aemulari spiritum. Amen.

God bless!

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