Saturday, July 23, 2022

St. Catherine of Siena's Constant Prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus


 A short, but beautiful prayer that would be wonderful to make into a daily recitation especially during the month of July would be the following prayer, "Constant Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena to the Precious Blood of Jesus." During this month may we remember the awesome power of the Precious Blood of our Lord to obtain for us forgiveness of our sins and relief of the Poor Souls in Purgatory. May we implore Jesus daily to offer His Most Precious Blood to our Heavenly Father, sending down mercy and divine Love upon us, our families, and the world. May we always remember the necessity of daily prayer and sacrifice for reparation of sin and conversion of the world; no matter our vocation it is our duty to pray and do penance for these intentions.

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Constant Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena to the Precious Blood of Jesus 

Precious Blood, 
ocean of divine mercy: 
Flow upon us! 

Precious Blood, 
most pure offering: 
Procure us every grace! 

Precious Blood, 
hope and refuge of sinners: 
Atone for us! 

Precious Blood, 
delight of holy souls: 
Draw us! Amen. 
 - St. Catherine of Siena

God bless!

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