Friday, October 14, 2022

Prayer in Honor of St. Raphael Archangel

 "Angelus Domini Raphael apprehendit et ligavit daemonem.  Magnus Dominus noster, et magna virtus ejus." ("The angel of the Lord, Raphael, took and bound the devil.  Great is our Lord, and great is His power." --Tobias 8:3)  

Holy Mother Church celebrates the feast of St. Raphael the Archangel on October 24.  As is revealed to us in the Bible, St. Raphael is one of the seven who stand before the throne of God; he is the angel who accompanied young Tobias on his journey, who bound the demon in the desert, and who healed the blind Tobit.  In fact, St. Raphael the Archangel's name means 'God heals.'  May we thank God for all of our heavenly helpers, and may we especially remember St. Raphael on his feast day.


Prayer in Honor of St. Raphael the Archangel 

Vouchsafe, O Lord God, to send unto our assistance Saint Raphael the Archangel: and may he, who, we believe, evermore standeth before the throne of Thy Majesty, offer unto Thee our humble petitions to be blessed by Thee; through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

 Let us pray: O glorious Archangel, St. Raphael, great Prince of the heavenly Court, illustrious for thy gifts of wisdom and grace, guide of those who journey by land or sea, consoler of the afflicted and of sinners: I beg thee to assist me in all my needs and in suffering of this life, as once thou didst help the young Tobias in his travels. And because thou art the “Medicine of God,” I pray thee to heal the many infirmities of my soul, and the ills which afflict my body, if it be for my greater good. I especially ask of thee an angelic purity, which may fit me to be the temple of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Christe, Sanctorum 
(taken from Vespers of the feast of St. Raphael) 

Christ, Thou glory of the holy Angels,
The Creator and Redeemer of the human race, 
Grant that we may ascend to the happy abodes 
Of the Blessed. 

As the physician of our salvation 
May the Angel Raphael come down from heaven, 
That he may heal all who are sick, 
And give guidance in the uncertain affairs of life. 

May the Virgin, Queen of Peace, 
May the Mother of the Light 
May the sacred choir of Angels 
And also the court of radiant heaven ever assist us. 

Grant us this, Blessed Godhead 
Of the Father, And Son, and likewise of the Holy Spirit, 
Whose glory resounds 
Throughout the whole world. 

Christe,  sanctorum decus Angelorum 
Gentis humanae Sator et Redemptor 
Caelitum nobis tribuas beatas 
Scandere sedes. 

Angelus nostrae medicus salutis, 
Adsit e caelo Raphael, ut omnes 
Sanet aegrotos, dubiosque vitae 
Dirigat actus. 

Virgo dux pacis Genitrix-que lucis, 
Et sacer nobis chorus Angelorum 
Semper assistat, simul et micantis 
Regia caeli. 

Praestet hoc nobis Deitas beata 
Patris, ac Nati, pariterque Sancti 
Spiritus, cujus resonat per omnem 
Gloria mundum.

God bless!

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