Sunday, August 3, 2014

Prayer to St. Philomena

 The historical feast of St. Philomena, virgin and martyr, is on August 11. This amazing young saint was thirteen when she refused the request of marriage by Emperor Diocletian, having vowed to give herself to Jesus alone. Despite enduring captivity for thirty-seven days and torture, including drowning, beating, being shot with arrows, and burning, for three more days, St. Philomena refused to consent to the emperor. After each torture, heavenly angels appeared to St. Philomena, healing her wounds and giving her new courage. The Blessed Mother also often appeared to the young girl, filling her with hope, and on day forty, suffering beheading, St. Philomena joined her beloved Lord in heaven, from whence God worked many miracles through her. She soon became known as the wonder-worker and powerful saint of God. Saint John Vianney held a great devotion to her, writing her litany and spreading her name. We would do well to pray for the intercession of this young, but powerful saint, asking for her strength and virtue to give ourselves to God despite the temptations and attractions of the world.

Prayer to St. Philomena
Humbly kneeling before thy throne, O great and glorious Virgin, St. Philomena, I beseech thee to look favorably on the petitions I present to thee. My Patroness, St. Philomena, pray for me! Glory be …

Overwhelmed with sorrow and distress, I have need of thee, great Saint. Heed my supplications and help me in my present tribulation. O glorious Saint, pray for me and help me! Glory be …

Inconsolable in my grief and weighed down with so many trials, I turn trustingly  to thee. O valiant Saint, beseech God to have compassion on me. My powerful advocate, pray for me and help me! Glory be...

Courageous Martyr, well do I know that my grievous sins deserve God’s severe punishment. Good St. Philomena, beseech God to pardon me all my sins and to teach me the ways of His holy love. Illustrious Saint, beloved child of Jesus and Mary, pray for me and help me! Glory be …

Gracious Saint, look graciously upon this house and bless the members of our family who devoutly honor thee. Wipe away our tears and smile benignly upon us, imparting the blessings of peace, hope, love, and good health to all of us. O Wonder-working Saint, pray for us and help us! Glory be …

O Child of Wisdom, well thou knowest the graces of which I stand in need, so be with me at every moment of my life, but be with me especially at the hour of my death. Establish my soul in peace, protect me from danger, and permit me to enjoy thy sweet companionship here as well as in eternity. Amen.

All-powerful Saint, hear and help me!

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