Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Hymn for the Feast of Epiphany

 You can find some of our family's traditions for the feast of the Epiphany in this post.  Today we will be finishing up our Epiphany Novena, which is such a beautiful, simple prayer, and while I did not accomplish the 12 days of Christmas daily surprise, as I had planned, we will be offering Jesus our "three gifts" and making a 12th Night Rum Cake.  The children will also receive the three family gifts (as long as they arrive in time).   Early on the Epiphany our family will begin our day with Mass at our beautiful FSSP parish, which our family is so blessed to a part of.  I hope the Christmas season has been one of joy for you and your families; know you remain in my prayers.

The following hymn "Hostis, Herodes Impie," which was written during the 5th century is actually the last four verses of the hymn "A Solis Ortus Cardine" and is recited during Vespers on the Feast of the Epiphany.  You can listen to this beautiful Latin hymn here.

Hostis, Herodes Impie

Hostis, Herodes impie,
Christum venire quid times?
Non eripit mortalia,
qui regna dat caelestia.

Ibant Magi, quam viderant,3
stellam sequentes praeviam:
Lumen requirunt lumine:
Deum fatentur munere.

Lavacra puri gurgitis
caelestis Agnus attigit:
peccata, quae non detulit,
nos abluendo sustulit.

Novum genus potentiae:
aquae rubescunt hydriae,
vinumque iussa fundere,
mutavit unda originem.

Iesu, tibi sit gloria,
qui apparuisti gentibus,
cum Patre, et almo Spiritu,
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.

Why, Impious Herod, Vainly Fear

Why, impious Herod, vainly fear
that Christ the Savior cometh here?
He takes no earthly realms away
Who gives the crown that lasts for aye.

To greet His birth the Wise Men went,
led by the star before them sent;
called on by light, towards Light they pressed,
and by their gifts their God confessed.

In holy Jordan's purest wave
the heavenly Lamb vouchsafed to lave;
That He, to whom was sin unknown,
might cleanse His people from their own.

New miracle of power divine!
The water reddens into wine:
He spake the word: and poured the wave
in other streams than nature gave.

All glory, Lord, to Thee we pay
for Thine Epiphany today;
all glory as is ever meet,
to Father and to Paraclete. Amen.

I pray you have a blessed Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord!

God bless!

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