Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Prayer for the Month of the Holy Name

 "That in the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ in the glory of God the Father."  --Philippians 2:10-11

O Good Jesus
O Good Jesus! O most tender Jesus! O most sweet Jesus! O Jesus, Son of Mary the Virgin, full of mercy and kindness! O sweet Jesus, according to Thy great mercy, have pity on me! O most merciful Jesus, I entreat Thee by that Precious Blood of Thine, which Thou didst will to pour forth for sinners, to wash away all my iniquities, and to look upon me, poor and unworthy as I am, humbly asking pardon of Thee, and invoking this Holy Name of Jesus.

O Name of Jesus, sweet Name! Name of Jesus, Name of joy! Name of Jesus, Name of strength! Nay, what meaneth the Name of Jesus but Saviour? Wherefore, O Jesus, by Thine own holy Name, be to me Jesus, and save me. Suffer me not to be lost--me, whom Thou didst create out of nothing. O good Jesus, let not my iniquity destroy what Thy almighty goodness made. O sweet Jesus, recognize what is Thine own, and wipe away from me what is not of Thee! O most kind Jesus, have pity on me while it is the time of pity, and condemn me not when it is the time of judgment. The dead shall not praise Thee, Lord Jesus, nor all those who go down into hell.

O most loving Jesus! O Jesus, most longed for by Thine own! O most gentle Jesus! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let me enter into the number of Thine elect. O Jesus, salvation of those who believe in Thee; Jesus, Son of Mary the Virgin, pour into me grace, wisdom, charity, chastity, and humility that I may be able perfectly to love Thee, to enjoy Thee, to serve Thee, and make my boast in Thee, together with all those who invoke Thy name, which is Jesus.   Amen.

God bless!

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