Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Consecration of One's Children to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

 Merry Christmas to everyone!!!  I pray you are having a holy, joy-filled Christmas season!

I did not mean to stop blogging for so long.  The last few weeks have been busy, but very blessed.  I plan to post more regularly again and hope to write a few extra posts in addition.  I do have two birthdays coming up--one this week and one next--so hopefully I can keep up with my plans.  ðŸ˜Š
Remember you can find prayers for Epiphany and other related posts herehere, and here.  I also have a prayer request I would greatly appreciate you to include in your prayers.  I am currently expecting our seventh child, a boy, and until now this pregnancy has been going wonderfully.
However, I had an appointment with my doctor today (a week early because I have been experiencing quite a few headaches lately) and discovered my blood pressure has begun to climb again.  My doctor prescribed blood pressure medicine (labetalol), which I took with Erin.  Please pray the pressures improve or remain steady and do not develop into preeclampsia as they did with Moira and Erin.  My due date is mid-March, so please pray I can make it to term and our newest addition remains healthy.  Thank you so much!  May God reward you!
As I was thinking of our little one, I thought this post would be a perfect time to provide a prayer to consecrate one's children to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  What could be more helpful to the spiritual life of our children than to consecrate them to the Holy Family, asking them to watch over and guide them!  January seems a very fitting time to pray this consecration.  It is recommended that parents pray a consecration for their children at least once during their lives, but it would also be a wonderful tradition to pray this consecration for your children yearly.

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Consecration of One's Children to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
(Adapted from a prayer by St John Eudes.)

O Jesus, only Son of God, only Son of Mary, I come to Thee as an unworthy parent, and I humbly consecrate to thy Most Sacred Heart, now and for eternity, the soul of my child (name). I surrender him/her to Thy sweet yoke and place him/her at the foot of Thy Cross. I offer Thee for him/her the most loving Heart of Thy Most Holy Mother Mary, which is more precious and pleasing to Thee than all hearts, and I beg Thee by her merits to show Thyself to him/her a Savior.

O Mary, Mother of Jesus, I come to Thee as an unworthy parent, and I humbly consecrate to thy Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, now and for eternity, the soul of my child (name). I offer Thee for him/her the most adorable Heart of Thy Son Jesus, who is the life, love and joy of Thy own Heart, and I beg Thee by the infinite merits of the Divine Son, Thou who art our Mother in the order of grace, to obtain the grace of salvation for my child.

O glorious St. Joseph, I come to thee and ask thee to take under thy special protection my child (name). I consecrate him/her to thee today, that through this consecration he/she may become your foster child. Guard him/her, guide his/her steps in life, and form his/her heart after the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. O glorious St. Joseph, who felt the tribulation and worry of a parent when the child Jesus was lost, protect him/her for time and eternity. May you be his/her father and counselor. Preserve him/her from the corruption of this world, and obtain for us the grace to be united in heaven forever. Amen.

Blessed be the Most Sacred and Loving Heart of Jesus and the most Immaculate Heart of Mary in eternity and forever.  Amen.  St. Joseph, pray for us.  Amen.

God bless!

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