St. Leo I is honored by Holy Mother Church with a feast day on April 11. St. Leo is one of four Popes given the title of the Great. The other three popes are St. Basil, St. Gregory, and St. Nicholas. A great defender of the Church, St. Leo, whose name means lion, protected the Faith from two heresies against the Incarnation-- the Nestorian Heresy and the Eutychian Heresy. This holy Pontiff governed the Church during the time of Attila the Hun's rule. Known as the Scourge of God, Attila, marching toward Rome, was met by Pope Leo I. Speaking with calm eloquence, Pope Leo awed Attila, who agreed to spare Rome. Attila not only admired the Pontiff, but he also feared him, recognizing a heavenly power on the side of the virtuous Pope. The following hymn was written to honor Pope Leo I on his feast day.
Hymn Honoring Pope Leo I
O happy Pontiff! glorious Leo! thou hast been made companion of the faithful Priests and martyrs; for thou wast most invincible in battle, and immovable as a tower and fortress of religion. Thou proclaimedst with most perfect orthodoxy and wisdom, the unspeakable generation of Christ.
O ruler of Orthodoxy, teacher of religion and holiness, light of the whole earth, divinely inspired glory of true believers, wise Leo! thou enlightenest all men by thy teachings, O harp of the Holy Ghost!
Heir of the See of Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, thou presidedst over the Church: thou hadst his spirit and was inflamed with zeal for the Faith.
Beaming with most bright light, thou, O holy Leo, didst admirable preach the ineffable and divine incarnation, teaching the two Natures, and the two Wills of the Incarnate God.
Resplendent with the knowledge of divine truths, thou scatteredst on all sides the brightness of orthodoxy, and dispelledst the darkness of heresy. Departing this life, thou, O blessed one! now dwellest in the Light that knows no setting.
O inspired Minister of God's mysteries, thou admirably preachedst that Christ is the Only son and Lord, begotten of the Father before all ages, born for us of the Virgin, and dwelling on earth like unto us.
Seated with glory upon the throne of the Pontificate, thou didst stop the mouths of lions, and madest to shine upon thy flock the light of the knowledge of God, by proclaiming the divine dogma of the adorable Trinity. Therefore hast thou been glorified as a holy Pontiff initiated in the grace of God.
Thou as a dazzling sun, didst rise in the west: thou wisely dispelledst the error of Eutyches, who mingled and confused the two Natures, and that of Nestorius, who divided them as though they were two Persons. Thou taughtest us to adore one Christ in two Natures, inseparably, unchangeably, unconfusedly united.
Inspired of God, thou appearedst to the people of God as another Moses, showing them the commandments of religion written, as it were on tables. Thou exclaimedst in the assembly of the venerable Masters: "Praise, O ye Priests! and bless, and extol Christ forever."
Now, O Priest of Christ! thou art brightly decked with a crown of beauty. As a faithful Priest, thou hast put on justice. Pray unceasingly for thy flock, now that thou hast entered into the admirable joy of the Paradise of delights.
Thou, O most blessed Leo! hast worthily entered the abode where are the seats and thrones and ranks of the Patriarchs; thou hast entered as a true Patriarch, all resplendent with faith and grace. Therefore do we all celebrate thy name forever.
God bless!
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